Your faithful giving makes a big impact over time
Goal: 52 New Monthly Donors
A Birthday Party – gift, cake and party supplies
24 cooking classes that focus on nutrition and wellness education and developing crucial life-skills.
24 sessions of LOVED our (optional) on-campus youth group
52 weeks of hands-on employment and job skills training
Fully stocked with therapeutic tools to practice coping skills and engage in individual and group therapy
15 books, journals and/or devotionals, and a Bible
12 (optional) bible studies and mentoring
36 recreational and therapeutic activities like intramural sports, music & art therapy, trauma-informed yoga, or pet/equine therapy
Since 1960, Wedgwood Christian Services has boldly addressed West Michigan’s most challenging mental health and behavioral issues, providing residential care, counseling, and community programs for children, teens, families, and adults. Our mission is to restore physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our programs include:
Provides comprehensive early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI), focused based intervention, and social skills groups for children with autism spectrum disorders.
Dedicated to ending the sexual exploitation of young men and women in West Michigan and surrounding areas through education, awareness, and treatment.
A program offered to the kids in our residential care in order to gain valuable life and job skills through services like car detailing, landscaping and lawn services, upholstery, and building wood shop products
When life gets difficult, we can help. We offer counseling for adults, teens, children, and families who are looking for some extra support.
Helps individuals take the next step forward in their recovery journey.
100% of the kids come from a background of abuse and/or neglect. Residential treatment allows youth to focus on understanding themselves and making life changes that haven’t previously been possible.
A Wedgwood Way Maker is a supporter who has committed to making a reoccurring monthly financial gift of any amount to support Wedgwood Christian Services’ life changing services.
You can provide your donation online, by texting “Wedgwood” to 50155, calling 616-942-2392, or sending a check to 3300 36th St SE Grand Rapids, 49512.
There is not a minimum monthly gift amount required to be a Wedgwood Way Maker. Every gift is impactful and we appreciate your generosity.
You can choose the day of the month you are billed.
Email receipts will be delivered following each transaction every month. A year-end hard copy receipt will be mailed. Other hard copies receipts can be requested each month if preferred to you.
You will receive an email congratulating you on reaching the one-year milestone. In that email, you’ll have the option to fill out sizing & shipping information if you’d like to receive your shirt.