
Sexual Behavior Issues

Who Is Eligible?

This program is specific to boys, ages 10-17, who have engaged in inappropriate sexual behaviors.  It is helpful if the youth acknowledges his behavior and is open to discussing it.

Referrals are made through an agency that will provide funding for services, such as Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) or Juvenile Courts. In general, insurance does not pay for residential treatment at Wedgwood.

Program Specializations


The Good Lives Model of Offender Rehabilitation is the treatment intervention used. Treatment will focus on helping youth understand what Primary Needs were being met through their inappropriate sexual behaviors, and then look at replacing the negative behaviors with healthy behaviors. Primary Needs are described as:

  • Having fun
  • Achieving
  • Being my own person
  • Having people in my life
  • Having a purpose and making a difference
  • Emotional health
  • Sexual health
  • Physical health

These are achieved through:

  • Individual, Group, Family, Therapy
  • Recreational / Activity Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy (when eligible with funding)
  • Milieu Therapy
  • Employment Training

Referral and More Information

Referrals are made through an agency that will provide funding for services, such as Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) or Juvenile Courts. In general, insurance does not pay for residential treatment at Wedgwood.

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Specializations/areas of expertise:
